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Video: P1 CFA+FRM金融英语-财报- Audit(审计意见1)

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Audit 审计

An audit is an objective examination and evaluation of the the financial statements of an organization to make sure that the records are a fair and accurate representation of the transactions they claim to represent.


  1. financial statement [C] 财务报表

The Importance of Audit 审计的作用

  1. 制约
  2. 参谋
  3. 防护(保护投资者利益)
  4. 鉴证
  5. 管理控制
  6. 评价

Differences between Internal Audit and External Audit 内部审计和外部审计的区别

Comparison 比较Internal Audit 内部审计External Audit 外部审计
Meaning 定义refers to an ongoing audit function performed within an organization by a separate internal auditing an audit function performed by the independent body which is not a part of the organization.
Objective 目标To review the routine activities and provide suggestion for the improvement. 内控To analyze and veerify the financial statement of the company.
Conductors 审计者EmployeesThird Party
Users 使用者ManagementStakeholders
Opinion 意见Opinion is provided on the effectiveness of the operational activities of the organizationOpinion is provided on the truthfulness and fairness of the financial statement of the company
Scope 范围Decided by the management of the entity.Decided by the statute.
Obligation 义务No, it is voluntaryYes, according to Indian Companies Act, 1956.
Period 时段Continuous ProcessOnce in a year
Checks 检查Operational EfficiencyAccuracy and Validity of Financial Statement
  1. statute /ˈstætʃuːt/ ① [countable, uncountable] a law that is passed by a parliament, council, etc. and formally written down 成文法;法令;法规
    • in a statute Penalties are laid down in the statute. 法规中有关于惩罚措施的规定。
    • by statute Corporal punishment was banned by statute in 1987. 1987 年通过的法令明文禁止体罚。
    • under statute These rights existed at common law, rather than under statute. 这些权利存在于普通法中,而不是成文法中。

    The wording of the statute is ambiguous. 该法规的措词不明确。

Audit Opinion 审计意见

01 Unqualified Opinion 无保留意见

Unqualified Opinion

An unqualified audit opinion states that the financial statements give a “true and fair view” (international) or are “fairly presented” (international and US) in accordance with applicable accounting standards. This is often referred to as a “clean” opinion and is the one that analysts would like to see in a financial report.


  1. applicable /ˈæplɪkəbl/, /əˈplɪkəbl/ [not usually before noun] that can be said to be true in the case of somebody/something 适用;合适 synonym relevant

  2. Give details of children where applicable (= if you have any). 如有子女请提供详情。
    applicable to somebody/something Much of the form was not applicable (= did not apply) to me. 表格中很多部分不适用于我。

02 Qualified Opinion 保留意见

Qualified Opinino

A qualified audit opinion is one in which there is some scope limitation or exception to accounting standards. Exceptions are described in the audit report with additional explanatory paragraphs so that the analyst can determine the importance of the exception.


  1. qualified opinion 保留意见
  2. qualified audit opinion 保留意见审计报告
  1. qualified adj. 有资格的,胜任的,适当的,合格的;过检定的,得到许可的;有限制的,有条件的;(俚)十足的,无比的
    vt. 描述,形容;使合适;授权于;有权,达标
    vi. 合格,成为合格;取得……的资格
    qualified for sth. 具备……的学历(或资历
    qualified to do sth. 具备……的知识(或结果),符合资格
  1. qualify用于比较正规、严肃的表述,而entitle用法宽泛,书面、口语均可。
  2. 核心含义不同。qualify强调“资格、资力、资质”,而entitle则强调应该有某种“权利、权益”。休假用entitle,授予学位用qualify

03 Adverse Opinion 否定意见

Adverse Opinion

An adverse audit opinion is issued when an auditor determine that the financial statements materially depart from accounting standards and are not fairly presented. An adverse opinion makes anaylysis of the financial statements easy: Do not bother analyzing these statements, because the company’s financial statements cannot be relied on.


  1. materially adverb /məˈtɪəriəli/ (formal or law法律) in a clear and definite or important way
    Their comments have not materially affected our plans. 他们的评价并没有对我们的计划产生多么重要的影响。
    The letter contained materially inaccurate information. 这封信包含严重不正确的信息。


04 Disclaimer of Opinion 无法表达意见

Disclaimer of Opinion

A disclaimer of opinion occurs when, for some reason, such as scope limitation, the auditors are unable to issue an opinion.


  1. auditor n. 审计师
  2. disclaimer n. 否定声明;放弃;放弃者
    [pl.] disclaimers
    disclaim v. 否认
reject, deny, decline, refuse辨析
  1. eject多指由于某物某事某行为不能让人满意而被当面直截了当地拒绝。
  2. deny指坚决地拒绝接受、给予或承认。
  3. decline指婉言谢绝他人的帮助或邀请等。
  4. refuse语气较重,指态度坚决,肯定无疑的拒绝。


Differences among Audit opinions


  1. unqualified opinion
  2. qualified opinion


  1. adverse opinion
  2. ddisclaimer of opinion